Our Thoughts

God-Nomics 301
Well … here we are fresh off of RRSP season, and though I’ve been a bit busy with the Mission’s Samaritan Project, see www.samaritanproject.ca for details, as promised in my previous blog, I think this is the perfect time to talk about the 3rd and final part of my blog series titled “God-nomics”….
God-Nomics 201
In my last blog, I introduced my ‘Theory of God-nomics”, and so today I would like to expand on that by first introducing the following statistic from the anti-poverty charity; Oxfam. “As of January 17th, 2016, just 62 people, 53 of them men, own as much wealth as the poorest…
God-Nomics 101
What do you think of when you hear the word economics? Most people would say money, but I think that if you’re looking at the definition of economics from God’s viewpoint, it might just look a little different. After all, in Matthew 6:24 the scriptures say: “No one can serve two…
Ministry Defined
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ministry as: 1) the office, duties, or functions of a minster; 2) the body of minsters of religion; 3) a person or thing through which something is accomplished; 4) the body of ministers governing a nation or state from which a smaller cabinet is sometimes selected,…