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Corina had a very challenging childhood. Her mother was a severe alcoholic who she believes suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Corina’s life was unstructured and lacked any stability as her mother was very unpredictable. Drinking binges turned her mother from a protective, nurturing and caring mother into somebody that was violent, mentally unstable and unsettling for a child to be around. As a child, Corina was tormented by fear, anxiety and worry. She was moved to a foster home at the age of three with her two other sisters.

By the age of seventeen, Corina had developed a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the same illness that she believed her mother suffered from. She had difficulty functioning normally and began to lose her way by drinking and smoking. Corina became a single mother at eighteen and suffered from alcoholism.

Eight years later she looked for help and entered Shayil Home. She grew emotionally and spiritually and knew that the program is what she needed in her life. The program conditioned Corina to become stronger in her walk with the Lord.

“I also learned how to persevere which had built my character. There were times where I wanted to give up. But perseverance helped me overcome my fears and see the bigger picture. Souls Harbour Rescue Mission helped me find that the basic point of religion and true religion is helping the orphan and the widow. I want to be poured out for others to show them the great love of the father and how he can bind up the broken hearted. God bless you and thank you.”

After graduating the program, Corina has goals to pursue her dream of becoming a hair dresser, work on her art and share the gospel message with others. She has become closer with her family and wants to see better for her children and watch them succeed.