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“I grew up in a small farming community where people went to church, but it seemed like no one that I knew, really knew the Lord. By the grace of God He put in me a desire for something more and I can now say I have a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, most days I think it’s pretty weak, but better weak than nothing at all.

A young man I know, the age of my younger brother, passed away on Jan 20th of cancer. My mother also passed away on November 10th of 2019. And, today I found out that my mother’s cousin, who helped fill the hole where my mother’s ashes had been laid to rest, also passed away from bone and kidney cancer. So now I’m wondering if they knew Jesus. 

We all talk about how blessed we are, but what is a blessing? We are here for such a short time. What is our life here on earth worth if we have no hope for eternity. My prayer is that God would put a cry, a longing in our hearts for something more than just what we see around us. I pray that the Lord would give us an awareness of eternity, and a passionate love for Him that far exceeds our “love” for temporal things.

In Judges 8:4, Gideon’s men were faint … but yet pursuing.”

Tina Fallon is the Assistant Emergency Services Manager for Souls Harbour Rescue Mission. Her and her husband Bob (Emergency Services Manager) have been faithfully serving the poor and the least here at the Mission for quite some time now. They have a genuine compassion for society’s most marginalized, and a strong desire to share the love and relationship of Jesus Christ with them!